Interrupting the Bible: Five Tools to Reinvent the Jewish Story

Interrupting the Bible: Five Tools to Reinvent the Jewish Story

Published Date: 04/10/2019

ABOUT THIS LECTURE: Can Monotheism’s oldest storytelling ritual bridge the growing gap between modern generations and our ancient legacies? Join master teacher and performer Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie, founder and spiritual leader of Lab/Shul NYC, as he presents a story of self-discovery and a manifesto for reclaiming tradition and claiming pluralistic approaches that promote a wiser Judaism for today. Based on Amichai’s book in process, this interactive presentation tells of a personal journey from Jerusalem to New York, through Bagdad and Berlin, spanning two millennia, three religions, and four continents, and presenting five principles for bridging the gap between modern society and its sacred legacies.