The Great (Non-Jewish) Kings of Jewish History: (Cyrus, Alexander, and Julian)

The Great (Non-Jewish) Kings of Jewish History: (Cyrus, Alexander, and Julian)

Published Date: 07/24/2024

A hybrid event (in-person and virtual) by Rabbi Marc Gitler

The event was co-sponsored by BMH-BJ

About the Event:
As a small people, Jews have always been at the whim of larger empires. We know of the kings who oppressed our people, so let’s spend time familiarizing ourselves with kings who restored our people’s fortunes.

*Source Sheet:

About the Speaker:
Marc Gitler serves as the Senior Jewish Educator for Valley Beit Midrash and is the visiting Rabbi of Aish San Diego. A recipient of the Wexner Fellowship, he was ordained at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. The founder of Fast for Feast, he lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife Sarah and their four children.